*Preface: Dealing With Destructive Thoughts

Destructive thoughts come into our minds to steal our peace, to cause us to do unwise things in life, to destroy us, if possible.

Each person on earth deals with destructive thoughts if they have a mind that functions.

God has a plan to take care of this problem.

The world also has plans for this problem.

Most people use worldly plans to put fear filled things out of mind. Some of these worldly plans involve such things as shopping to change one’s mood … trying to think of other things to escape … trying to busy oneself to escape … cleaning out closets … going on an outing …

God has many ways to help us in such times.

God’s way of escape is always successful for HIS people. This is the way we need to learn to take, and need to choose to take.

This is the subject of this book …

Dealing With Destructive Thoughts

Each of us have the experience where all of a sudden we realize we are a little down ... Very often the cause for this is taking in some form of destructive thought.

These fearful thoughts often come through TV shows, books, memories, or by something said by another person.

Since they trouble us we don't want to think about them, so too often we "sweep them under the rug" to get them out of our minds only to have a depressed feeling surface later.

(And the thought will trouble us again and again until we deal with it in a spiritual way.)

In the Bible we have scriptures telling us how to deal with troubling thoughts.

If we will deal with these in a godly way immediately, we will not suffer as we do when we try to ignore these thoughts which trouble us.

But it takes a diligence to deal with destructive thoughts.

Joan Boney