*8 ... God Warns Us Through Dreams

I know of a woman who had a dream concerning her grandson. She dreamed he was in motorcycle accident and was killed. She told her daughter and they promised the boy (who was college age) would no longer ride motorcycle.

A few months later, the boy was killed on motorcycle.

He continued to ride the motorcycle after his grandmother reported the dream.


In 1982, I had a dream warning me of very great potential danger to me.  At that time I was traveling all over USA having meetings for people where I was on radio.  A few weeks prior to receiving this warning by dream, God had shown me sins in various ministries, being committed by big name ministers.  When I could not get a message to these ministers, I decided to give the message on my radio broadcast (coast to coast) and name that minister by name as I told of the sin being committed.  Hate mail from the followers of the big-time ministers poured into our office.

My calendar was filled with meetings for 1982 when I received a dream showing me great danger to me personally if I went out and then I heard these words at the end of the dream:  "Don't go until you see Exodus 15."  I cancelled my entire schedule for 1982 and remained at my apartment in Dallas where I recorded radio broadcast and provided messages in writing for radio audience who were still on my mailing list, although many left me at that time.

A woman who worked for me and attended a Faith Movement church was shocked that I did this.  She asked me if I really believed God would allow someone in the churches to harm me.

Knowing the doctrine of the Faith Movement, I can understand why this confused her.

I reminded her of God allowing Jesus to die on a cross and God permitting Herod to behead John the Baptist.

Also I knew God was keeping harm from me by giving the instructions in that dream where I was told not to go out.

It was up to me to do what God instructed me to do and that is what I did.