*Prayer To God - Product Description

A young woman, 14-years-old, Catholic, realized for the first time someone her age could die when one of her classmates was killed.  She knew what she had learned at church couldn't help her.  Only God could help her.  She cried out in prayer:  "I know there is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost ... but I don't know which one I'm supposed to pray to ... So please get this prayer to the right one because You are my only hope."

Refreshing, charming, honesty!  (Which of us can read this without smiling?)


Prayer is often so phony.  Even the one praying doesn't really believe it.

I've had people run up to me and say, "Joan, I know God will heal me ... pray for me."

Such a person shows he doesn't believe.  If he believes, why does he need me to pray for that which he believes?


The effectual, fervent prayer is honest, red hot, crying out to God with all your soul.


One time, I was speaking at a church and the pastor called a prayer line for me to pray over people.  I was amazed at how many flocked to that line wanting something they could not get themselves by prayer.

I walked up to a very big fat black woman.  I said, "And what is it you want God to do for you."

She replied:  "I's jest wants more of God."

I said:  "God will tell me what you are doing."

She screamed out, waving her hands in the air, saying:  "OH, NO, Lord ... Don't tell her!"


That was certainly an effectual, fervent prayer ... and it brought the house down!


I hate religious things and most prayers are so contrived, so filled with pretense, hypocrisy, they make a person hearing them sick.

When I had meetings for radio audience in early 1980s, they would come to a rented room at convention center or hotel.  I just stepped out on the platform and began speaking that which I heard from God, no pre-planned sermon.  I didn't do phony prayer to start the meeting.  Nor did we have any music.  Just the word God put in my ear at the time I went before them.  If I heard a scripture I spoke that.  If I was reminded of a dream, I spoke that.  If an example was called to mind, I spoke that.

I depended entirely on God to do what HE wanted in the meeting.  (Work of Holy Spirit:  Jn. 14:26 & Jn. 16:13)

I promise you, this book will not be phony, not sugary religious, but real from the Spirit of God.

Joan Boney