Overcoming through God in Dealing with Cancer: Chapter 6 - Comforted by God as followup tests approached

After the treatments were completed, two procedures were scheduled to be done in April, 2023, to see if there were any signs of the cancer.
Everything seemed to be going fine.  But then, not long after these procedures were scheduled, fearful thoughts suddenly came, such as "What if the tests show more cancer?"   

I was very shaken and turned to God for help, and was given the concept of resting in having done what I had been led to do by God, resting in HIM, in HIS word to me in this matter.   
God will work everything according to HIS purpose for me.  I just need to go in the way I believe HE is leading me.

Hebrews 4:3 ... For we which have believed do enter into rest,
Romans 8:28  And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to HIS purpose.  


I was also given a dream in which I was at the urologist's office to have cystoscopy in which the doctor examines the bladder.  At another point in the dream there were 2 bags with what looked like yard waste in them.  The bags were being examined by scientists or doctors who were looking for disease.  No disease was found.  

When I woke from this dream I prayed about what this dream might mean to me and especially what the 2 bags represented.  The next morning, I was reminded of the 2 upcoming procedures and felt God was showing me that no disease would be found during the upcoming procedures in April, 2023.
The first procedure was done on Friday, April 14, 2023, by the urologist looking inside my bladder using a scope.
The urologist started out by saying that his understanding is that I had gone to see the specialist/surgeon in Denver and it sounded like I wasn't "keen" on having my bladder removed. I laughed and told him that was correct
He went on to explain that with the scope he would be checking to see if the chemo had done what was needed, but that if he found a problem it could probably be taken care of with a more minor surgery than was needed the previous September. (I felt he was trying to prepare me for him finding a problem.) 
But as he looked at my bladder, he said "This looks great!"  He said this at least 3 times as he checked various things in the bladder. He did find a small red area, but said nothing needs to be done about that at this time. He'll just "monitor" it. 
Overall, he seemed surprised as he said "This looks great!"

The second procedure, a CT scan, was done on Wednesday, April 19.  No sign of cancer was found.

I kept being reminded of the dream I had in which the 2 bags of waste were being examined by doctors or scientists. They were looking for disease but found none
Also, the open vision Joan had been given in September, 2022, had showed that the cancer was gone.