Overcoming through God in Dealing with Cancer: Chapter 8 - Cancer? That is impossible!

Joan lives at my house so knew from the very beginning about my cancer and what doctors said about it. And, of course, this affected Joan.

God gave Joan information and helped her in various ways. Here is Joan’s account from her perspective.

(Comments by Joan Boney)

When Pam returned home after meeting with the urologist and reported to me that she had bladder cancer, my first reaction was, "This can't be happening.  It is impossible."
God put me in Colorado Springs, moving me from Texas after an accident where I broke a hip and had surgery.  Pam had taken me into her house to care for me and also care for my cat.  I couldn't walk.  I couldn't care for all the animals (2 big dogs and 4 cats) and myself.
God would not provide this and take it away.

How did I know?
The Bible says God would not remove HIS provision.
James 1:17   Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

(God will not provide for us and then take HIS provision away from us!)

I talked to God about this.
Not only was it illegal by scripture ... it was impossible and could not happen!
I pleaded my case with God.
Before Pam went to the hospital to have the tumor removed from her bladder, I was alone in my bedroom and God gave me a word of knowledge, a vision showing what would happen. (I thought the vision pertained to Pam so I called her and I told her I had a vision which I thought was her situation.)
In the corner of the ceiling, I saw 3 softball-size lumps. They were attached to each other, two on bottom with one on top.  Then there was a very loud swishing sound and they fell in on one another and disappeared.
I felt these were showing me Pam's cancers and how they would dissolve and vanish.
Pam began a series of chemotherapy which was to be followed by surgical removal of her bladder. 
(Pam had asked God if there was another way to go to avoid the bladder surgery.  God brought to Pam's attention a statement printed by the cancer doctors saying, Chemotherapy with radiation may be as effective as chemotherapy with surgery.
Pam felt this was the answer to her prayer!  So did I!)
The doctors cancelled the surgery plan and set up a plan whereby there would be a series of chemotherapy/radiation (no surgery).
Pam and I never prayed together.  We just prayed as we were led by God, alone!
I kept pointing out to God the illegality of this whole situation.  The cancer was against God giving Pam as provision for us, for me and the 6 animals.
There is "no shadow" of turning with God when HE gives something to us.
None of the team of doctors thought this chemo/radiation would work in Pam's case. 
But one doctor asked Pam, "Do you have peace going this way? with radiation?"
Pam said, "Yes. I have prayed about it and I do."
The doctor asked Pam, "Are you a Christian?" 
Pam said she is a Christian.  He said he, too, is a Christian.
Then that doctor said he would switch the treatment from surgery to radiation with chemotherapy!
The treatments ended in early 2023.  A follow-up exam was scheduled in April, 2023, to see the results of the cancer treatments.
One of the doctors was to do a follow-up procedure.  He was preparing Pam to hear that the cancer was still there.  He said, "Now there are other things we can do if the cancer is still there." 
He began the exam ... "This is great!" he said.   The cancer was gone.
He looked at a second area and he said, "This is great!"  He looked at a 3rd area and again said, "This is great!"
There was no cancer ... the cancer had disappeared!
Pam has had 4 follow-up exams since that time and the cancer is gone.
The doctor said she didn't need to return for a year.