Peace: Chapter 1: Meditating and Doing the Word of God.

The following instruction given to us by the apostle Paul in the Holy Bible is one of the most important of all things that we can do in the end times.
1 Timothy 2
1 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;

2 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;

4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;


People who vote and are involved in politics often learn to hate the opposite political party.  It probably never occurs to them to pray for the opposite leader if he is elected.

Doing what Paul says means we have to give up the hatred we have so carefully learned if we have been involved in politics.
When Mr. Trump was president, I prayed that God would never let him fire a nuclear weapon.

When Mr. Biden was president, and I would see him walk down the ramp at Air Force 1, the presidential plane, I would pray that God would not allow him to fall.  He always looked so shaky.  Also I prayed for Mr. Biden as he walked to the microphone, asking God not to allow him to fall.  He looked like the old people at the bridge center when they tried to walk across the room.

I Timothy 2:2  Pray for all in authority.

Praying for those in authority:  (supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks)

ExampleAt the time I was born again in 1975, I had a very serious matter happen. I owned a small business in American Indian Arts in Dallas, Texas.
One day a little chubby man came into my store.  He caught my eye because he was wearing a Stetson cowboy hat and his tie clasp was shaped like a pair of handcuffs.
He said to me, "Little Lady ... do you know a man named Settles?"
I replied, "No sir.  I don't believe I do."
He said, "Well ... he knows you.  He's suing you for a million dollars!" 
(He handed me some legal papers and left my shop.)
I was stunned.  
(This was one of the frequent iterate salesmen who frequented the cities at that period of time.  He rented a hotel room in various cities and put an ad in the local paper saying he sold American Indian jewelry at 70% off.)
The Dallas Morning News came to me asking me to write a consumer warning advising customers concerning how to purchase Indian jewelry.  
One thing I said in the warning:  "If someone comes offering to sell jewelry for less 70 percent, it should make you wonder how much they marked up the price of the item before coming down."
Mr. Settles was claiming we were trying to keep him from doing business in Dallas.
His suit was against 4 dealers in American Indian Arts and the Better Businesses of both Dallas and Fort Worth.
It was extremely difficult for me to take this matter seriously.  I just threw the legal papers on a book shelf in my office and went on with my day.  
Several days later, I realized this man could take judgment against me unless I responded to those charges. I hired an attorney to deal with the matter.
About every other week I received bills from the lawyer for $2000 to $3000.  At this rate, it wouldn't be long before I was back in debt.  I asked God to give me wisdom.  I had no idea what to do.

James 1:5  If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.  

I had seen this scripture about wisdom and had been asking God for wisdom concerning Bible before reading the scriptures.  I had asked God for wisdom concerning which items to buy for my business.  I believed wisdom would be given me by God when I asked HIM for wisdom.  So I asked God what to do about these legal bills.

I had been a Christian for about 2 years and was approximately 32 years old.
One day I was reading the Bible and saw the following scripture:

Isaiah 54:17  No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of ME, saith the LORD.
 (I began to reason this scripture: Now I'm a Christian so this scripture would pertain to me now.  This lawsuit is a "weapon" formed against me.  According to the Bible it cannot prosper.  So why am I paying these lawyers?  I will just go to court without human legal counsel and represent myself, stopping further legal fees.)

Being such a new Christian, I decided to tell my pastor my plan .  I made an appointment with the pastor at the church I was attending, Word of Faith church, Robert Tilton, pastor.

💥  As I drove to the appointment, I prayed for God to give Robert Tilton wisdom.  (Pray for all in authority.  1 Timothy 2:2)

Bob heard my story and the scripture I'd seen and what I planned to do as a result.  And Bob said, "Joan ... perceive that you have faith to do this this way."


I called my lawyer immediately and told him that I am a Christian and I've seen this scripture and as a result of this scripture I am going to go to court and repres  ent myself.  I dismissed him.  I told him I just could not afford further legal fees.  And if the Bible is real and not just some kind of history book, this weapon against me will not prosper.  If the Bible is not real, I don't want anything to do with the Bible.  And this is a good time to find out.
He was horrified! and said, "Joan ... you can't do this!  You have no idea how evil these courts are.  And we are willing to "work" with you.  It will only take about $10,000 more to try your case."
"$10,000 More?"  said I.  

"Gordon ... STOP ... don't do anything more."
About a week later Gordon returned to my shop.  He said, "We've decided to represent you without any additional cost to you."
What's going on here?  It was going to cost $10,000 MORE  a week ago and now it is free?  I didn't hear Gordon mention God in this.

I said,  "You're just going to let me get back to you on this."
I began praying:  "God ... what do YOU want me to do about this "free" legal service?"
I was reminded of a scripture:
Genesis 14

21 And the king of Sodom said unto Abram, Give me the persons, and take the goods to thyself.

22 And Abram said to the king of Sodom, I have lift up mine hand unto the LORD, the most high God, the possessor of heaven and earth,

23 That I will not take from a thread even to a shoelatchet, and that I will not take any thing that is thine, lest thou shouldest say, I have made Abram rich:
 I knew God was telling me not to take the "free" legal service so I called Gordon and declined and planned to go to court without any human legal service.
I was terrified.
God gave me approximately 14 scriptures to strengthen me and to give me faith to do this.  I recorded these scriptures on both sides of a cassette tape and played that tape each night when I went to bed, falling asleep to these scriptures.  If I awoke in the night I turned the cassette over and played the other side and fell asleep again to scripture playing.
Several weeks passed.
Six days before the court trial was scheduled, I received a phone call from the lawyers who represented the man who was suing us.  He said, "I'm calling you since you don't have any lawyer.  Our client has dropped the charges he made and there will be no trial."
I said, "Did he drop the charges against me ... or did he drop the charges against everyone?"
The lawyer said ... "He cut everyone loose." 
It was over!
About a week later, Gordon came to my shop.  He said, "At the law firm we have talked about your case many times and I want you to know that we believe what you said would happen happened ... No weapon formed against you will prosper."
1 Timothy 2:2 ... (Pray) for all in authority.)