Overcoming through God in Dealing with Cancer: Description

In September, 2022, I was diagnosed with high-grade, muscle-invasive bladder cancer.  This book tells the ways God helped me and led me in dealing with this cancer.  
Sometimes a scripture was given.  Sometimes a dream or vision was given.  Sometimes a thought brought by the Holy Spirit showed me what to do.  One time a writing from the American Society of Clinical Oncology was used by God.   
God working in all things to lead me in the best path for me. 
Not only was I shown a different treatment option than that planned by various medical people, but God also brought each of the medical people to the point of agreeing with the treatment plan I was shown and setting it up. 

This is an account of how God leads HIS children, as well as HIS power and care for us.


💥 Overcoming through God in Dealing with Cancer: Chapter 1 - The Shock!

In August, 2022, I went to a hospital emergency room due to blood clots in my urine.  It was discovered that there was a growth in my bladder.  
Obviously trying to keep me from unnecessary worry, the emergency room doctor told me bladder growths are usually easily taken care of with out-patient surgery, and he referred me to a urologist.
When the urologist examined my bladder a few days later, he explained that the growth I had was not like most bladder tumors he saw.  This is the first time I heard the growth referred to as a "tumor", which was jarring to hear. 
He said he wouldn't know what we were dealing with until the tumor was removed and sent to a pathologist.  I hoped it not being like most tumors meant it was not much of a problem.  I just wanted it to be removed and for me to go on with my life as usual.
Surgery to remove the tumor was scheduled for September 12, 2022.  
The day of the surgery, as I was preparing to go to the hospital, Joan Boney, a minister of Jesus Christ in the offices of apostle and prophet, was given an open vision.    
In this vision she saw something like a lumpy mass, having 3 softball size lumps, on the wall in the corner.  There was a loud "swooshing" sound then the lumps fell in on one another, disappearing by melting on one another.  Suddenly, it was gone.  She felt this had to do with my bladder tumor.  

Open Vision

(Joan, who was 84 at the time and unable to live alone due to injuries she suffered from a fall about 3 years before, lives at my house.) 
She called me to her room and told me of the open vision.  I wrongly assumed that this was showing that the tumor would not be found when the surgery was done.    
But during surgery to remove the tumor, it was still in my bladder and was more extensive than anticipated.   Removal of the tumor took quite a bit longer to complete than expected.
After the surgery, the urologist told me we would discuss the pathologist's findings the following week at his office. 
On September 19, 2022, as I drove into the urologist's parking lot to learn the pathologist's findings, a very terrifying fear came over me, unlike any fear I ever recall having had before.  
I cried out to God, begging for help.  
The Holy Spirit immediately reminded me of Romans 8:28  And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to HIS purpose.
As I focused on this scripture, I was greatly calmed and comforted.
When I met with the urologist, he told me I had cancer and that the cancer was "high grade, muscle invasive".   He referred me to a surgeon in Denver, a specialist in this type of bladder cancer.  He said something about this doctor doing remarkable things with reconstructive surgery, but I had no idea why he was telling this to me

I felt pretty numb and could not grasp much of what he said.  No tears, just numbness, as I desperately tried to focus on what he was saying, with little success.
As I drove home from meeting with the urologist, I had thoughts such as:

"Cancer?  How could this be?"
"I don't feel like I have cancer ... however that would feel." 

And I just kept clinging to what I had heard from the Holy Spirit in the parking lot before meeting with the urologist ...  
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to HIS purpose.  Romans 8:28  
An appointment was made to see the surgeon in Denver on October 3, 2022.  Denver is about 50 miles from where I live in Colorado Springs.  Joan rode in the car with me to Denver and waited in the lobby while I went into the doctor's office.  

The surgeon spoke about the cancer that I had and that I would need chemotherapy and then surgery to remove my bladder.
Since the tumor had already been removed, I asked, "What would happen if I do nothing?"  
The surgeon replied that I would be dead in one year ... two years at the very most ... unless I had treatment.  And, she said, the death I would face from the cancer I had was terrible, something no one would want to go through.
At 66 years old and never having had a major health problem, I was stunned by how serious this was. 
She said that treatment needed to start right away and would include chemotherapy administered 4 times, two weeks apart, then wait a month, then have my bladder surgically removed at the end of December, 2022, or first part of January, 2023.   
She went on to describe 3 surgical reconstructive options available to me to allow my body to eliminate urine without my natural bladder. 

None of this seemed real.  I heard her talking and even tried to take notes, but I couldn't comprehend what she was explaining.
She said we would meet again after the chemotherapy was completed and make decisions about the surgery.  
(The chemotherapy could be done in Colorado Springs where I live, making it much easier than driving to Denver.)

I didn't feel I could talk about what the doctor had said while driving back to Colorado Springs, so I simply told Joan I needed to wait until we got home to tell her what was discussed.  
Joan was very understanding.  
We drove home in silence ...  and in shock!

Overcoming through God in Dealing with Cancer: Chapter 2 - Trying to plan for the future

After meeting with the surgeon in Denver, medical appointments were scheduled very quickly.  
An appointment with the hematology doctor (who would take care of the chemotherapy) was held, followed by out-patient surgery to have a "port" put in place where the chemo would go into my body.  
Then there was a meeting with the chemo pharmacist to go over all the drugs which would be given, their known side-effects, and what could be done to try to minimize the side-effects.  
Finally an echo-cardiogram was done to see if there were any concerns with my heart needing to be taken into consideration during chemotherapy.  
All this was done in less than 2 weeks. 
In the midst of these activities, the planned bladder-removal surgery was also in mind.  The surgeon had said I would be in the hospital (in Denver) for 3-4 days, followed by recovery at home (in Colorado Springs) for a few months.  
It would be awhile before I could even drive a car, which was a concern since Joan could not drive.

Simple things normally taken for granted, like preparing meals and caring for the animals (2 dogs, 4 cats), were no longer trivial matters. 

It seemed plans needed to be made for each thing done in the course of a day.  Also, I would likely need special help with my physical condition for at least a time after surgery.

Plans were discussed for such things as:
- having a friend come stay with Joan while I was in the hospital to help her and to take care of daily needs around the house.
- arranging medical transportation for me to get home from the hospital.
- getting a hospital bed and putting it in the fireplace area on the main floor of my house so I wouldn't need to go up and down stairs.
- coordinating a visiting nurse to come to our house for at least a few days after I returned home to make sure everything, medically, was going well as I (and my body) learned to function without my natural bladder.
- setting up home health care services for a time after I returned home.

Many preparations seemed necessary.  
But while praying about these preparations and seeking wisdom in making decisions in these preparations, the Holy Spirit reminded me of the following scripture:

Matthew 6:34  Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself.  Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.
What a help and relief to be given this scripture!  
I stopped all I was trying to do to prepare for the future surgery and began focusing only on what was before me each day.  This was so much easier than trying to deal with what looked to be needed in the future on top of what was immediately before me. 

And it turned out that none of the preparations for the future were even needed.
God knows the future and what we need in whatever we face.  
Matthew 11:28-30  Jesus says ... Come unto ME, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

29 Take MY yoke upon you, and learn of ME; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

30 For MY yoke is easy, and MY burden is light.

Overcoming through God in Dealing with Cancer: Chapter 3 - Pouring out my heart before God

When the surgeon in Denver recommended chemotherapy followed by removal of my bladder, chemotherapy wasn't a concern to me.
But having my bladder removed troubled me a lot!  
Needing to deal for the rest of my life with an artificial way for my body to function without the natural bladder was a big concern.  

I didn't mention to anyone that I did not want to have this bladder-removal surgery, but I talked with God about it, laying all my concerns out to HIM.  
Psalm 62:8  Trust in HIM at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before HIM: God is a refuge for us. 

And I asked God if there might be some way I could be spared this surgery.
Philippians 4:6-7  Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God
And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

I didn't know what God's will was in this, so I just waited to be shown if I should do anything different than what the surgeon in Denver recommended.

Overcoming through God in Dealing with Cancer: Chapter 4 - God works out a new way to go

About 10 days after asking God if there might be some way I could be spared bladder-removal surgery, I was given a dream 
In this dream I was considering not having bladder removal surgery.  (When I was given this dream, I had no idea there were any treatment options other than bladder removal.)
The following evening I was reviewing some information the chemo pharmacist had given me about the various drugs that would be administered.  I wanted to make sure I had everything on hand that might be needed to manage possible side-effects before chemo began the next day.  

When I had reviewed all the drug information, there was one piece of paper left.  
It was a sheet the pharmacist had included from the American Society of Clinical Oncology about bladder cancer.  I was  casually reading this when the following jumped out at me ...

"An approach using chemotherapy with radiation therapy may provide the same benefits as chemotherapy with bladder removal."

I re-read this statement several times.  Did this really say what I thought it said?  It was hard to believe that right there on the piece of paper in front of me was an alternative to bladder-removal surgery.  
I felt this might be an answer to my prayer about being spared bladder-removal surgery and asked God to please show me if this was not the case.  
I was not shown anything.  

But I didn't know how to go about changing my treatment plan, having no idea who to talk with about radiation therapy.  
So I asked God how to do this, and kept having the surgeon in Denver brought to my mind.   I sent a message to her through the healthcare system's internet portal.

The next morning, Nurse Donna from the surgeon's office called to setup a time the following week for me to meet with the physician assistant who works with the surgeon.

A few days before this appointment, I woke in the night with the words "virtual meeting" going through my mind. I didn't know why I had been awakened with those words, but the following day I found out.  
When I took our car to a mechanic for a wheel alignment, he determined that the car had damage which made it unsafe to drive! It would take about a week to get the needed parts to fix car.

I immediately thought of the appointment in Denver and, in a panic, began considering how I could get there. 
Then I was reminded by the Holy Spirit of having heard the words "virtual meeting" in the night.  
I called the surgeon's office.  Interestingly, the woman who answered the telephone had had a similar car problem just a few weeks before and completely understood my situation.  She put the call on "hold" and, in a few minutes, had taken care of changing the meeting with the physician assistant to be a virtual meeting.  
Meeting virtually with the physician assistant would be so much easier than driving to Denver, yet totally sufficient for what was needed. 
Most of all, it was very comforting to see this example of God watching over my situation and helping me, even before I knew there was a need.    

Isaiah 65:24   And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.
During the virtual meeting, the physician assistant told me that I was not a good candidate for chemotherapy with radiation and gave reasons this was the case.  I asked some questions trying to make sure I understood the situation correctly, for the many the reasons she gave made this option sound hopeless, as though the door was closed. 
But then she said she could make a referral for me to talk with a radiation oncologist in Colorado Springs where I live.  She said she had heard very good things about this radiation oncologist who had been trained at the Mayo clinic.  
I didn't know what was going on.  Was she was just trying to pass me on to someone else to explain why this couldn't be done in my case?  
I told her that I didn't want to waste anyone's time discussing this if it couldn't be done.  But she insisted that it wouldn't be a waste of anyone's time and that she could make this referral.  

I silently prayed and felt I should meet with this radiation oncologist, so I asked the physician assistant to please make that referral. 

A few days before meeting with the radiation oncologist I had a dream.  In this dream a man was sitting next to me as I met with the radiation oncologist.  It was as if the man was there to support and help me.
When I woke from the dream I was reminded of various scriptures I had been given recently in which God says HE will be with me and help me and never leave me, such as:

Hebrews 13:5-6 .... for HE hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.
Isaiah 41:10, 13  Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of MY righteousness.
13 For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.

When I met with the radiation oncologist she said that I was not an "ideal" candidate for radiation with chemo and told me why.  But she went on to say that if, after considering these things, I decided to go this way, she would set it up.
After meeting with the radiation oncologist, I prayed about what had been discussed, and was convinced I should proceed with changing my treatment from chemotherapy/bladder removal to chemotherapy/radiation therapy.

So I called the radiation oncologist's office and said that I wanted to proceed with chemotherapy with radiation therapy.
Then I met with the hematology (chemo) doctor.   
(By this time I had had 3 chemotherapy infusions)
Initially he was surprised and puzzled that I wanted to change my treatment plan.  He asked "You don't want to have your bladder removed?"  
I laughed and said that was correct.  I did not want to have my bladder removed. 
He asked if I had peace about making this change in treatments.  
I told him I had prayed and asked God if there was any way I could be spared bladder removal.  After that, I saw the information provided by the pharmacist about chemotherapy with radiation, and I came to believe this was an answer to my prayer.   
When I mention having prayed about something, most people ignore this.  But this doctor's response surprised me.  He said "You said you prayed about this.  Are you a believer?"

I replied that yes, I am a Christian.  I asked if he was also a Christian, and he said he was.

He warned that the chemo given with radiation therapy for bladder cancer is harder on the body than the initial chemo I had been given and that I might need a blood transfusion and possibly need to be hospitalized.
He asked again if I have peace about making this change.  I told him I did have peace about this.  
He then said since I had peace about making this change, he would setup this kind of chemo and coordinate it with the radiation oncologist, and that he would prescribe things to help me get through this chemotherapy as easily as possible.   

After meeting with the various medical people, we stopped the first kind of chemotherapy, and the doctors started setting everything up for chemo with radiation.   

God made a way for me to not have bladder removal surgery, showing me another option.  And HE kept me in this way, and also made a way for each of these medical people to agree to changing the treatment plan although their medical training had taught them this wasn't best in my situation.
What God did in this is truly incredible!

Overcoming through God in Dealing with Cancer: Chapter 5 - Going in the way I was shown by God

The chemotherapy with radiation therapy began in mid-December, 2022, and was completed in January, 2023 ... two infusions of chemotherapy, given over 5 days each, along with 20 radiation treatments. 
Interestingly, the chemo with radiation turned out to be easier for me, not harder, than the initial chemo administered.  
I had no serious problems, mostly just fatigue.  But even the fatigue wasn't as much as with the first chemo.  And radiation was no problem at all.


Not only did God show me the best treatment for me, but throughout all the cancer treatments, HE led me in how best to get through the treatment.  These things were very helpful to me ...
I felt strongly led by God to get plenty of rest, to not feel pressure to do the things I had done previously.  
If the litter boxes didn't get cleaned one day, that was fine.  
If I didn't vacuum for a week or two, no problem.  
The dogs no longer went for walks, but they rode in the car with me to short medical appointments, which they enjoyed.  
If I didn't have enough energy to do something, I didn't do it, or I asked someone else to do it if it needed to be done.  
And I kept a blanket and pillow near the recliner I typically use during the day so I could comfortably rest throughout the day as needed. 
It was very strongly in my heart that rest was important. 


While having chemotherapy, I found that seemingly "little" physical problems needed to be dealt with more strongly that usual, and God led me in how to do this.  
One of the first problems I had was constipation.  I had been warned that some of the chemo drugs I was given could cause this and had been given some steps to take to try to deal with it.  But the problem did not go away.  In talking with God about this, I was reminded of the oncology department's triage number and felt I should call.  Over the telephone, a nurse gave me further steps to take, and the problem was resolved.  

At another time, one of my thumbs became red and quite sore.  I didn't recall having done anything to cause this soreness and asked God what, if anything, I could do about it.  I didn't hear anything to do right then.  But shortly after this, I had an appointment with a physician assistant to make sure I was doing OK after the previous chemo infusion.  
During that appointment I kept being reminded of my thumb.  
So, I told the physician assistant about my thumb being sore.  Upon examination, she found that I had a rather serious infection from a very small cut which could barely be seen and I had completely forgotten about.  
With the chemotherapy, what ordinarily would have just healed on its own, had become infected.  Antibiotics were prescribed and my thumb was back to normal in about a week.  
An example of getting help from others when needed ... I was going through both chemotherapy and radiation therapy during months in which it typically snows here.  One thing I needed was to keep the driveway cleared of snow so I could get to medical appointments and also to run errands.   Shoveling snow is something I had previously enjoyed doing, but I felt it was too strenuous to do during treatments.   
I prayed about who could do this for me.  

One day my neighbor and his teen-aged son were trimming some trees for me.  After they finished, they said if I needed any other help, to just let them know.   
The need for snow shoveling was brought to my mind, so I asked if they might help with this.  The dad was about to have surgery himself, but his son was very willing to shovel snow from my driveway whenever needed.  I could simply send a text message to him and he would come take care of clearing the snow.  It was wonderful to have this taken care of so easily, and very well!, by this young man.  
He also helped me move heavy items when needed.  
And he did all of this with a very pleasant attitude.
These are just a few examples of how I lacked no help of any kind.  All I needed was provided by God (and still is).


Overcoming through God in Dealing with Cancer: Chapter 6 - Comforted by God as followup tests approached

After the treatments were completed, two procedures were scheduled to be done in April, 2023, to see if there were any signs of the cancer.
Everything seemed to be going fine.  But then, not long after these procedures were scheduled, fearful thoughts suddenly came, such as "What if the tests show more cancer?"   

I was very shaken and turned to God for help, and was given the concept of resting in having done what I had been led to do by God, resting in HIM, in HIS word to me in this matter.   
God will work everything according to HIS purpose for me.  I just need to go in the way I believe HE is leading me.

Hebrews 4:3 ... For we which have believed do enter into rest,
Romans 8:28  And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to HIS purpose.  


I was also given a dream in which I was at the urologist's office to have cystoscopy in which the doctor examines the bladder.  At another point in the dream there were 2 bags with what looked like yard waste in them.  The bags were being examined by scientists or doctors who were looking for disease.  No disease was found.  

When I woke from this dream I prayed about what this dream might mean to me and especially what the 2 bags represented.  The next morning, I was reminded of the 2 upcoming procedures and felt God was showing me that no disease would be found during the upcoming procedures in April, 2023.
The first procedure was done on Friday, April 14, 2023, by the urologist looking inside my bladder using a scope.
The urologist started out by saying that his understanding is that I had gone to see the specialist/surgeon in Denver and it sounded like I wasn't "keen" on having my bladder removed. I laughed and told him that was correct
He went on to explain that with the scope he would be checking to see if the chemo had done what was needed, but that if he found a problem it could probably be taken care of with a more minor surgery than was needed the previous September. (I felt he was trying to prepare me for him finding a problem.) 
But as he looked at my bladder, he said "This looks great!"  He said this at least 3 times as he checked various things in the bladder. He did find a small red area, but said nothing needs to be done about that at this time. He'll just "monitor" it. 
Overall, he seemed surprised as he said "This looks great!"

The second procedure, a CT scan, was done on Wednesday, April 19.  No sign of cancer was found.

I kept being reminded of the dream I had in which the 2 bags of waste were being examined by doctors or scientists. They were looking for disease but found none
Also, the open vision Joan had been given in September, 2022, had showed that the cancer was gone.

Overcoming through God in Dealing with Cancer: Chapter 7 - Is it lack of faith to have further followup tests?

After the initial followup test procedures were completed and no cancer found, the medical people wanted to run the tests again in 3-4 months.  
Before the next tests, however, thoughts began coming to my mind that to have these tests showed "a lack of faith."  
The thoughts that came to my mind reasoned such things as ... If I really believed it was God who showed me to have chemotherapy with radiation, I wouldn't need to have these tests ... And what about the open vision given to Joan Boney in which she saw a mass on the wall, then there was a "swoosh" sound, and the mass disappeared, 3 masses falling in on each other.  Joan felt this had to do with my cancer .... And there was also the dream in which I was shown no disease would be found.   
If I believed these things were of God, why did I need to have tests done?

But when I turned to God about having the tests, each time HE confirmed to me in some way to have the tests done.  

One example was in December, 2023.  I had been praying about whether to schedule the next round of tests and was given a dream.  In this dream there was blood in my urine.  Either in the dream or as I woke from the dream, I strongly felt I should have the tests done.  

I assumed this dream was showing there was going to be a serious problem found.  But when the test procedures were done in February and March, 2023,  no cancer or problem was found.  
Then after tests were done in September, 2024, I came to believe I was being shown something different by the dream.  
After those tests, the urologist explained that although there is no evidence of cancer or any other serious condition in my bladder, because of the radiation therapy the blood vessels in my bladder are more prone to bleeding so I might see blood in my urine.  He told me what to do if this happened.  
He also said everything looked so good that follow-up cystoscopies ("scope" procedures) needed to be done only yearly.
This was so helpful to me because every once in a while a thought would come telling me that I was going to see blood in my urine, as if this was a serious problem like with the cancer.  There was a sense of panic and I would cry out to God asking that HE not let that happen.  
After receiving this information from the urologist, that is no longer a concern.
Devils have tried to stop me from having followup test procedures.  But when I turned to God each time, HE led me to have the tests.  
The test results continue to witness to what God has done in leading me in how to treat the cancer, being delivered from the cancer, and also fulfilling the open vision Joan was given and the dream I was given.  
These tests also gave an opportunity for the urologist to give me information which has eliminated some fears brought by devils.  
John 10:10  The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I (Jesus, the Word from God) am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. 


Overcoming through God in Dealing with Cancer: Chapter 8 - Cancer? That is impossible!

Joan lives at my house so knew from the very beginning about my cancer and what doctors said about it. And, of course, this affected Joan.

God gave Joan information and helped her in various ways. Here is Joan’s account from her perspective.

(Comments by Joan Boney)

When Pam returned home after meeting with the urologist and reported to me that she had bladder cancer, my first reaction was, "This can't be happening.  It is impossible."
God put me in Colorado Springs, moving me from Texas after an accident where I broke a hip and had surgery.  Pam had taken me into her house to care for me and also care for my cat.  I couldn't walk.  I couldn't care for all the animals (2 big dogs and 4 cats) and myself.
God would not provide this and take it away.

How did I know?
The Bible says God would not remove HIS provision.
James 1:17   Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

(God will not provide for us and then take HIS provision away from us!)

I talked to God about this.
Not only was it illegal by scripture ... it was impossible and could not happen!
I pleaded my case with God.
Before Pam went to the hospital to have the tumor removed from her bladder, I was alone in my bedroom and God gave me a word of knowledge, a vision showing what would happen. (I thought the vision pertained to Pam so I called her and I told her I had a vision which I thought was her situation.)
In the corner of the ceiling, I saw 3 softball-size lumps. They were attached to each other, two on bottom with one on top.  Then there was a very loud swishing sound and they fell in on one another and disappeared.
I felt these were showing me Pam's cancers and how they would dissolve and vanish.
Pam began a series of chemotherapy which was to be followed by surgical removal of her bladder. 
(Pam had asked God if there was another way to go to avoid the bladder surgery.  God brought to Pam's attention a statement printed by the cancer doctors saying, Chemotherapy with radiation may be as effective as chemotherapy with surgery.
Pam felt this was the answer to her prayer!  So did I!)
The doctors cancelled the surgery plan and set up a plan whereby there would be a series of chemotherapy/radiation (no surgery).
Pam and I never prayed together.  We just prayed as we were led by God, alone!
I kept pointing out to God the illegality of this whole situation.  The cancer was against God giving Pam as provision for us, for me and the 6 animals.
There is "no shadow" of turning with God when HE gives something to us.
None of the team of doctors thought this chemo/radiation would work in Pam's case. 
But one doctor asked Pam, "Do you have peace going this way? with radiation?"
Pam said, "Yes. I have prayed about it and I do."
The doctor asked Pam, "Are you a Christian?" 
Pam said she is a Christian.  He said he, too, is a Christian.
Then that doctor said he would switch the treatment from surgery to radiation with chemotherapy!
The treatments ended in early 2023.  A follow-up exam was scheduled in April, 2023, to see the results of the cancer treatments.
One of the doctors was to do a follow-up procedure.  He was preparing Pam to hear that the cancer was still there.  He said, "Now there are other things we can do if the cancer is still there." 
He began the exam ... "This is great!" he said.   The cancer was gone.
He looked at a second area and he said, "This is great!"  He looked at a 3rd area and again said, "This is great!"
There was no cancer ... the cancer had disappeared!
Pam has had 4 follow-up exams since that time and the cancer is gone.
The doctor said she didn't need to return for a year.

Overcoming through God in Dealing with Cancer: Chapter 9 - What God has done is made manifest, clearly seen

Not long after I was diagnosed with cancer, God gave me the following scripture as I was talking with HIM about having cancer:
John 9:1-3 And as Jesus passed by, HE saw a man which was blind from his birth.

2 And HIS disciples asked HIM, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind?

3 Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him.
That God led me in the best treatment for me, and worked mightily throughout the entire situation, helping me and bringing this about, can clearly be seen by all.  
Even the urologist, who had initially referred me to the surgeon in Denver to have my bladder removed, said during one of the followup tests,  "You obviously made the right decision in not having bladder-removal surgery.  That would have been life-changing!"   
I certainly agree. 

Overcoming through God in Dealing with Cancer: Chapter 10 - Podcast

Peace: Description

 The apostle Peter tells us what we are to do on this earth as we wait for the return of Jesus.

2 Peter 3

10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.

11 Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness,

12 Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?

13 Nevertheless we, according to HIS promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.

14 Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of HIM in peace, without spot, and blameless.  


Since no man knows the day or the hour of Jesus' return, that means we would need to live daily in peace, without spot, and blameless.

If we start to do something and feel troubled, we must learn to stop and turn to God in pray and let God reestablish our way.

We learn to let the "Let the peace of God rule in our hearts."

In the Holy Bible we have many scriptures concerning "peace" which help us to become aware of this essential way of life.
 I know of no more critical factor at the end time that going in peace and staying continually without spot and blameless.

Joan Boney

Peace: Chapter 1: Meditating and Doing the Word of God.

The following instruction given to us by the apostle Paul in the Holy Bible is one of the most important of all things that we can do in the end times.
1 Timothy 2
1 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;

2 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;

4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;


People who vote and are involved in politics often learn to hate the opposite political party.  It probably never occurs to them to pray for the opposite leader if he is elected.

Doing what Paul says means we have to give up the hatred we have so carefully learned if we have been involved in politics.
When Mr. Trump was president, I prayed that God would never let him fire a nuclear weapon.

When Mr. Biden was president, and I would see him walk down the ramp at Air Force 1, the presidential plane, I would pray that God would not allow him to fall.  He always looked so shaky.  Also I prayed for Mr. Biden as he walked to the microphone, asking God not to allow him to fall.  He looked like the old people at the bridge center when they tried to walk across the room.

I Timothy 2:2  Pray for all in authority.

Praying for those in authority:  (supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks)

ExampleAt the time I was born again in 1975, I had a very serious matter happen. I owned a small business in American Indian Arts in Dallas, Texas.
One day a little chubby man came into my store.  He caught my eye because he was wearing a Stetson cowboy hat and his tie clasp was shaped like a pair of handcuffs.
He said to me, "Little Lady ... do you know a man named Settles?"
I replied, "No sir.  I don't believe I do."
He said, "Well ... he knows you.  He's suing you for a million dollars!" 
(He handed me some legal papers and left my shop.)
I was stunned.  
(This was one of the frequent iterate salesmen who frequented the cities at that period of time.  He rented a hotel room in various cities and put an ad in the local paper saying he sold American Indian jewelry at 70% off.)
The Dallas Morning News came to me asking me to write a consumer warning advising customers concerning how to purchase Indian jewelry.  
One thing I said in the warning:  "If someone comes offering to sell jewelry for less 70 percent, it should make you wonder how much they marked up the price of the item before coming down."
Mr. Settles was claiming we were trying to keep him from doing business in Dallas.
His suit was against 4 dealers in American Indian Arts and the Better Businesses of both Dallas and Fort Worth.
It was extremely difficult for me to take this matter seriously.  I just threw the legal papers on a book shelf in my office and went on with my day.  
Several days later, I realized this man could take judgment against me unless I responded to those charges. I hired an attorney to deal with the matter.
About every other week I received bills from the lawyer for $2000 to $3000.  At this rate, it wouldn't be long before I was back in debt.  I asked God to give me wisdom.  I had no idea what to do.

James 1:5  If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.  

I had seen this scripture about wisdom and had been asking God for wisdom concerning Bible before reading the scriptures.  I had asked God for wisdom concerning which items to buy for my business.  I believed wisdom would be given me by God when I asked HIM for wisdom.  So I asked God what to do about these legal bills.

I had been a Christian for about 2 years and was approximately 32 years old.
One day I was reading the Bible and saw the following scripture:

Isaiah 54:17  No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of ME, saith the LORD.
 (I began to reason this scripture: Now I'm a Christian so this scripture would pertain to me now.  This lawsuit is a "weapon" formed against me.  According to the Bible it cannot prosper.  So why am I paying these lawyers?  I will just go to court without human legal counsel and represent myself, stopping further legal fees.)

Being such a new Christian, I decided to tell my pastor my plan .  I made an appointment with the pastor at the church I was attending, Word of Faith church, Robert Tilton, pastor.

💥  As I drove to the appointment, I prayed for God to give Robert Tilton wisdom.  (Pray for all in authority.  1 Timothy 2:2)

Bob heard my story and the scripture I'd seen and what I planned to do as a result.  And Bob said, "Joan ... perceive that you have faith to do this this way."


I called my lawyer immediately and told him that I am a Christian and I've seen this scripture and as a result of this scripture I am going to go to court and repres  ent myself.  I dismissed him.  I told him I just could not afford further legal fees.  And if the Bible is real and not just some kind of history book, this weapon against me will not prosper.  If the Bible is not real, I don't want anything to do with the Bible.  And this is a good time to find out.
He was horrified! and said, "Joan ... you can't do this!  You have no idea how evil these courts are.  And we are willing to "work" with you.  It will only take about $10,000 more to try your case."
"$10,000 More?"  said I.  

"Gordon ... STOP ... don't do anything more."
About a week later Gordon returned to my shop.  He said, "We've decided to represent you without any additional cost to you."
What's going on here?  It was going to cost $10,000 MORE  a week ago and now it is free?  I didn't hear Gordon mention God in this.

I said,  "You're just going to let me get back to you on this."
I began praying:  "God ... what do YOU want me to do about this "free" legal service?"
I was reminded of a scripture:
Genesis 14

21 And the king of Sodom said unto Abram, Give me the persons, and take the goods to thyself.

22 And Abram said to the king of Sodom, I have lift up mine hand unto the LORD, the most high God, the possessor of heaven and earth,

23 That I will not take from a thread even to a shoelatchet, and that I will not take any thing that is thine, lest thou shouldest say, I have made Abram rich:
 I knew God was telling me not to take the "free" legal service so I called Gordon and declined and planned to go to court without any human legal service.
I was terrified.
God gave me approximately 14 scriptures to strengthen me and to give me faith to do this.  I recorded these scriptures on both sides of a cassette tape and played that tape each night when I went to bed, falling asleep to these scriptures.  If I awoke in the night I turned the cassette over and played the other side and fell asleep again to scripture playing.
Several weeks passed.
Six days before the court trial was scheduled, I received a phone call from the lawyers who represented the man who was suing us.  He said, "I'm calling you since you don't have any lawyer.  Our client has dropped the charges he made and there will be no trial."
I said, "Did he drop the charges against me ... or did he drop the charges against everyone?"
The lawyer said ... "He cut everyone loose." 
It was over!
About a week later, Gordon came to my shop.  He said, "At the law firm we have talked about your case many times and I want you to know that we believe what you said would happen happened ... No weapon formed against you will prosper."
1 Timothy 2:2 ... (Pray) for all in authority.)