3. Hypocritial, pretensious, meaningless words.

Joan Boney ... apostle/prophet

I asked Pam Padgett to choose 3 letters as examples of "great swelling words." which basically are as wind to us, meaning nothing and hard to get through, if anyone tries ... I just skip over all these paragraphs to see what the person wants, if it is possible to tell.

From man in Kenya:

Father of all the Creation and the Whole Universe May Your Will be Done on earth as in Heaven,May we have a perfect Relationship and Connection as we Stand Together in Accomplishing the Great Commission that you have Given us in Reaching the Lost Souls for your soon Coming Kingdom,. May you Connect us with People of the Same Call and Vision for in Jesus Name I Believe ....AMEN,

Dear Beloved workers in the Lord's Vineyard.

I greet you in the Most Blessed Name of the Lord our Hope . God has Given me a heart to reach the Lost souls and preach to the the Good News that Saves Man fro their Sins,

(JB ... I am apostle/prophet ...  not evangelist ... These men who write to me have no idea what God has called me to do.  They couldn't be reading our blog.  My calling it to the church, not to the unsaved.  It doesn't appear to me that any of the men who write me understand callings to the church or ministry offices.  I don't believe they read the blog at all.  I must appear to them like their next meal.) 

I am happy to Know you and the work that you are doing through your home page in reaching the whole world for the sake of advancing the Kingdom of Christ around the Globe.

We Request you to partner with us and Join hands with us as we join hands together to be fishers pf men and reach the UN-reached . This my prayer request to you brethren .It will be my Joy is you share with us of your Orders of Services, Worship,, Doctrine,,Liturgy and your Believes.

(JB ... I do not know what it is this man wants.  I don't know what he means by "partner."  In USA when minister's say "partner" it usually means "send me your money."  

"Joining hands" with him means nothing to me.  I don't know what this man is asking me to do.  )

May it please your honor and Love to Hear our Macedonian Call to come over and be a blessing to the Nation of Kenya.  Galatians 6.9-10.   (JB ... He probably means, come to our country at your own expense, half-way around the world ... Many of these men say exactly same thing using Paul's vision of the man from Macedonia.  Evil words stolen from the apostle Paul who heard from God.)

Remain blessed in the Care of the Lord God as I Love and Hope to Hear From you ,

Serving the Lord in Faith and Truth .


Letter from man in Liberia.   (appears to be some type of form letter)

Dear Senior Pastor,


(JB   I'm not a pastor ... This invitation is like a form letter which might be sent to hundreds of possible speakers but is made to look like you are especially chosen ... though it does not seem like the person sending it knows my name and certainly he knows nothing of the calling of God on my life, which is apostle/prophet.)

From Glory to Glory greetings of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

We thank God the father of our Lord Jesus Christ for He caused us to know about you and your Ministries for such a time like this. We are seeking the face of God for a pastoral covering for Our Church, because I know that as a pastor, I needed a covering. Your Spiritual Covering and Mentorship will help as we touch the world together with the Gospel of Jesus through the nation of Liberia.

(JB ... I know of no place in Bible where it says anything about a "pastoral covering" for a church.  It is pretentious, foolish, not based at all on any scripture for the church.)

Therefore, we would like to invite you to Monrovia, the Republic of Liberia in November 2018 for a Five (5) day Pastoral Leadership Conference and Crusade.

I'm pleased to inform you that you were chosen (JB  very questionable statement) to be the guest speaker and the theme shall be "MOVING FORWARD WITH THE LORD".

Your coming to Liberia for this national impaction will be rewarding to the nation. Your teaching and preaching will mend and restore our broken hearts as we in rebuilding our nation and community; it will also bring those who are lost to Christ.

(JB ... I am apostle and prophet, sent to the church to bring correction to the church ... This man seems to be looking for an evangelist, certainly not a prophet ... nonsense:  feigned words.)

We love you and will continue to remember you in our prayers (JB ... I just don't believe this.) that the Lord will confirm it to you to respond to this Macedonia Call. We will be grateful receiving some of your ministry books like, Bibles, and other ministerial support materials that will enable us to advance the work of the ministry in our community and the nation. (JB   I really hate this.)

We believed that your vision will have some of these activates such as: Caring for orphans children, Educating women in literacy, drug addicts, Outreach program, Church Planting, Bible School Materials, and Medical Center for our Community. (JB ... all these many works and not one word from God ... just man's works... I hate this too.)

This communication serves as a Spiritual Covering/ Mentorship with your Ministry. We await your favorable reply in Jesus name Amen. Meanwhile get prepared and may the good Lord guide and give you wisdom and understanding as you come and speak to us during this great occasion.  (JB   Awful, sickening, horrendous, deceptive, puffed up, dishonest nonsense.)

In His love and for His glory,



Letter from man in Kenya:

Dear Brethren,

Much greetings to you in Jesus name. The grace, love and peace to you always in Jesus name.I am by the grace of God pastor from Kenya.I thank God for directing me to your website which has been of great touch to my heart. I thank you for what you are doing in the Lord. I pray God to help you as you touch many souls around through your website.I am happy and pleased by your wonderful Christian teachings that you offer in your website and we request you to consider us of receiving your prayers and teachings.

We are a young growing church that needs your prayers and your Christian Teaching Materials to help us grow spiritually in the Lord's Kingdom.We are happy and grateful to reach you and the great work of God that you are doing.I thank God for the work He has given us all and I always pray for His strength.

It is my humble request that we join our hands together so that we can proclaim God's message to the needy Souls and lost Souls to bring them back to their Savior. It is my prayer and hope that you will humbly accept my request of joining together our hands to make a change to many lives. God bless you and hope to read from you.Be blessed as we pray and hope to hear from you soon.

Yours In His Holy Service, Pastor 

(JB ... I have no idea what this man is talking about.)


Comments by Joan Boney:

Sadly the above letters are very typical of those sent to me by men who call themselves ministers.

But they are filled with empty, puffed up, fleshly words and imaginings of their own fleshly minds as they prey on me.

We read about this type of thing in Bible


Jesus says:

Matthew 24:4-5   Take heed that no man deceive you.  For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.

Matthew 23   Jesus says:  

5   But all their works they do for to be seen of men:

12-15    Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye devour widows' houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation.

Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.


II Peter

1   But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you,

2   And many shall follow their pernicious ways

   And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you:

10   Presumptuous are they, selfwilled

13-14   Spots they are and blemishes, sporting themselves with their own deceivings while they feast with you; Having eyes full of adultery, and that cannot cease from sin; beguiling unstable souls: an heart they have exercised with covetous practices; cursed children:

17-18   These are wells without water, clouds that are carried with a tempest; to whom the mist of darkness is reserved for ever.

(JB ... a well without water is a terrible thing, giving hope to the person when it is full of empty vanity.)

18 For when they speak great swelling words of vanity, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through much wantonness, those that were clean escaped from them who live in error.

(JB ... No lack of "great swelling words" which are vain, from them ... terrible!)


Comments from Joan Boney:  

I cried out to God because of the men who have been writing me daily, saying they are ministers.

God showed me what to do:

Remove your email address from blog.

I have not heard from any of them since doing that!


II Peter 2:9     The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished:
