1. Man coming to USA and wanting to come to see me.

Email from Man in Pakistan:
Dear beloved in Christ Pastor Joan
Greeting in the name of our saviour Lord Jesus Christ.
We are praying for you and your ministries Works that you are doing in the field of the Jesus Christ.
We are two Pastor coming this month in your beautiful country for meet you and church believers , so possible, we do fellowship with you and prayer for people.
We are praying & waiting
May God bless you richly according to this Promise
Rev. CR
Response by Joan Boney
The first statement I would make to you is to stop calling yourself "Reverend." It is not in Bible for a minister to do that.

Paul didn't call himself "Reverend" ... neither did any other person in Bible


Someone once said to me, "What do we call you now? Reverend?"

I was shocked.

I replied, "NO!  Just call me Joan."


By calling yourself "Reverend", you exalt yourself above the Bible.
Repent and refuse to be called this.

Joan Boney


Man's response to my email:

Dear in Christ Bro. Joan,
Greetings from Pakistan. Thank you for your mail. Ok, I am little servant of master. Bro. possible we can meet.?

We are praying and waiting
God bless you
Pastor CR


Comments by Joan Boney

By this letter of response, I could tell this man did not have any grief or sorrow or understanding at all concerning that which he did by calling himself "Reverend."

In a subsequent email, this man said he wanted to learn about Holy Spirit.

I told him I have printed everything I know about Holy Spirit on our blog.  He can look at right side of the blog and see all writings done since 2012.

God told me if this man will not obey Bible or follow Bible, it will do no good for him to come see me.

This man is one of the many "antichrists" in the church today. 

We know this because he called himself "Reverend", exalting himself above Bible where no man is called "Reverend."  (opposing Bible examples)

Therefore I would not have anything at all to do with this man nor would I let him into my house.


II John  vv.8-11   Look to yourselves, that we lose not those things which we have wrought, but that we receive a full reward.

Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God.

He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.

If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed:

For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.