Dreams, Visions, and Angels, and The Holy Spirit: Product Description

There are so many wonderful powers of God used by God by the will of God for HIS people.

Since the Bible shows us many examples of God's use of dreams, visions, angels and the Holy Spirit, to accomplish HIS will, there is ample reason to believe God uses the same thing today by HIS will, as HE wills, for the church.

If we see these things used in the Bible, there is reason to believe the same things can be used today to help us in the church.

(Or if God chooses HE can invent new things to help us!  HE is God!)

But our faith in God is often increased when we consider examples of the power of God in the Bible and the testimony of God using his power in the lives of individuals in the church today!

In this book, you will see reviews of Bible examples along with examples of dreams, vision, angels and the work of the Holy Spirit, used by God to help individuals in today's church.

These examples should build our faith in God.

It is all done according to the will of God.

God speaks to us today and does with each of us today as HE wills.

Joan Boney
